Monday, January 4, 2010

Gakura Saves City From Martian Menace

     Early this evening, our fair city was beset by Martian invaders.  Led by Deimos 9, they threatened to overtake our suburbs and turn our citizens into Martian drones.  Luckily for the people, Gakura came to our defense.  Gakura is one of the leaders of the Empire of the Apes.
     At precisely 7:00 p.m., a fleet of Martian warships was seen on the outskirts of town.  Deimos 9, that long-legged alien invader was close behind.  At first, he tried to demolish a building, but his razor sharp legs just bounced off the sides.  It was then that Gakura answered the call of the local chapter of A.P.E. (Association of Primate Emulators).  He brought with him apes from the empire as well as some Terrasaurs.  From there, it all went downhill for the invaders.  Gakura picked up Deimos 9 and threw him into two buildings.  This was more than 9 could take.  He morphed into his ultra form and tried to recover.  Luckily for the city, he recovered by being bowled into another building.  This put an end to the rampage of the Martians.  Property damage was estimated to be in the millions, but that is a small price to pay for saving countless lives.       
                                                                                                          Reported By: Oran Gutan

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